Passeios e Viagens

Dicas e relatos de passeios e viagens de bicicleta

Audax Angra>Paraty>Angra 2016

Audax Angra>Paraty>Angra 2016

Ride Information and Ratings:

- Data:  Feb. 28 2016
- Distance:  202,5km
- Total Ascent:  3.884 meters
- Location: Angra and Paraty
- Total Riding Time: 8:38h riding, 10:10h total
- Scenic Views Rating: 9 - Very Pretty
- Ride Safety Rating: 6 - Somewhat safe
- Level of Exercise Rating: 10 - Extremely hard
- Type of Terrain: Asfalt good condition
- Description of Terrain:  
The entire ride take place on Rio-Santos, which offers good shoulder throughout most of the route. In some parts the shoulder is not as smooth and in a few parts it is unrideable, but there is enough space on the actual road to share with cars. On every climb, the shoulder gives way to a second car lane, so keep in mind that on every ascent you will need to ride on the side of the road and expect cars to go by. Most cars respect the cyclists, but there are always a few drivers that don´t think bike belong on the roadways (so ignore and watch out for them).

Ride Map:

Did you know:

-  Paraty was one Brazil´s major ports in the 18th century, as it was heavily used to send gold and other precious metals to Portugal during the colonization period. After a new road was built to the Rio de Janeiro port, Paraty was left behind, until around 1970, when new roads were created to cross from São Paulo to Rio de Janeiro, which in turn, made Paraty one of Brazil´s most desired colonial towns.

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Biking Trip: Rio > Angra - On the way to the Audax Angra-Paraty

Biking Trip: Rio > Angra - On the way to the Audax Angra-Paraty

Ride Information and Ratings:

- Data:  Feb. 27, 2016
- Distance:  178,3km
- Total Ascent:  3.441 meters
- Location: Rio and Angra dos Reis
- Total Riding Time: 8:24h riding, 10:06h total
- Scenic Views Rating: 8 - Pretty views
- Ride Safety Rating: 5 - Not the safest ride
- Level of Exercise Rating: 10 - Extremely hard
- Type of Terrain: Asphalt in good condition
- Description of Terrain:  Asphalt the entire ride.  From Gávea until Rio-Santos, it was mostly riding on the side of regular roads with traffic.  On Rio-Santos, most of the time there is a shoulder in good condition, although in some parts (and on all climbs) there is no shoulder, but there is enough room for sharing the roads with the cars.
- Ride Map:

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Mogi das Cruzes > Salesópolis (São Paulo > Rio de Janeiro Trip)

Mogi das Cruzes > Salesópolis (São Paulo > Rio de Janeiro Trip)

Ride Information and Ratings:

- Date:  01/16/2016 11:05 AM
- Distance:  45km
- Total Ascent:  598 meters
- Location: Mogi das Cruzes and Salesópolis
- Total Riding Time: 2:06h riding, 2:37h total
- Scenic Views Rating: 6 - Interesting ride
- Ride Safety Rating: 7 - Safe ride
- Cultural and Tourism: 5 - Not much to do
- Level of Exercise Rating: 5 - Not a bad day at the office
- Type of Terrain:  Asphalt - Good condition
- Description of Terrain:  40km of good asphalt on the shoulder of the road, except for the parts where the dirt roads connect to the SP-088, making it sandy and even muddy. A few stretches don´t have shoulder, but the cars are too fast and there is some room to ride on the road.
Ride Map:

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Salesópolis > Paraty (São Paulo > Rio de Janeiro Trip)

Salesópolis > Paraty (São Paulo > Rio de Janeiro Trip)

Ride Information and Ratings:

- Date: 01/17/2016
- Distance:  200,4km
- Total Ascent:  4,756 meters
- Location: Salesópolis, Caraguatatuba, Ubatuba and Paraty
- Total Riding Time: 9:35h riding, 10:37h total
- Scenic Views Rating: 10 - Beautiful
- Ride Safety Rating: 6 - Decently Safe
- Cultural and Tourism: 10 - Lots of things to see and do
- Level of Exercise Rating: 10 - Extremely hard
- Type of Terrain: - Asphalt - Good condition
- Description of Terrain:  SP-088 has no shoulder, but the asfalt in good condition and I felt pretty safe riding on the road. Few cars, and they don´t go very fast. The descent to Caraguatatuba was great, lots of speed traps and car slower than 40km/h. On Rio-Santos (BR 101), the shoulder can be great and terrible, but riding on the road at times isn´t bad at all. There is nos shoulder on the climbs and descents, as one more lane opens up for cars to go up, but it´s not a problem, mas there are many turns and cars can´t really go fast.

Ride Map:

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Paraty > Angra dos Reis (São Paulo > Rio de Janeiro Trip)

Paraty > Angra dos Reis (São Paulo > Rio de Janeiro Trip)

Ride Information and Ratings:
- Date:  01/18/2016 7:38 AM
- Distance:  79km
- Total Ascent:  1.655 meters
- Location: Paraty and Angra
- Total Riding Time: 3:08h riding
- Scenic Views Rating: 8 - Very pretty
- Ride Safety Rating: 6 - Decently safe
- Cultural and Tourism:  7 - many places and things to do
- Level of Exercise Rating: 8 - Good workout
- Type of Terrain: Asphalt good condition
- Description of Terrain:  Ride takes place mostly along the shoulder of BR-101, which at times is great and at times is terrible (holes, debris, branches). On the climbs, it offers 2 lanes, however, there is no shoulder, so cycling takes place on the side of the road.
- Ride Map:

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