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Bike Trip Italy - Day 12: Peschiera del Guarda > Bergamo.

Bike Trip Italy - Day 12: Peschiera del Guarda > Bergamo.


I knew it would come a time that I would compare any ride to the other rides of this trip. And it´s what happened today. I have been very spoiled as I have ridden some of the best routes of my life in the last 11 days, so it´s really not a fair comparison. Just having the freedom to do a one-way trip is already something I really enjoy, and to do it in a place where it´s safe and you ride through  history makes it worth while. But the ride is very basic when compared to the other rides I have done so far in Italy. There are a few climbs, but they are very light and there are no views from any of them.  There was, however, wind the entire time, which doesn´t help me enjoy the ride while pulling at least 20km extra on the panniers.

I really enjoyed the first 30km-4km, but not the last 20km-30km. Perhaps there is an alternative way to Bergamo that offer better views, but that wasn´t my case.  Riding through Brescia was pretty interesting. The city seems to be a medium sized city, but its downtown is charming and the main piazza offers place to sit and enjoy the area.

Bergamo is historic town and I was very eager to ride up to the mountain and check out the castle and city views. But that plan was frustrated as my back wasn´t feeling well and I decided to rest for tomorrow´s ride to Milan.

Short and to the point:

- The first part (around 30km) was the best part: Lots of nature, few cars and takes place on secondary roads

- If happen to spend a few days in Brescia or in Bergamo, there probably are some good routes in the mountains that surround each city

- Lots of cyclists up until Brescia, no cyclists between Brescia and Bergamo

- The last 25km are on highway type roads, except when it cuts through one of the towns

- Head wind the entire way, not very strong, but consistent

- I saw more bike shops on today´s route than all other days combined



Total time riding: 5:40h
Total time travelling: 6:30h
Total Ascent: 420 meters
Total distance: 103.4 km

Cities ridden through:  
- Sirmione, Lonato, Brescia e Palazsolo


- https://www.strava.com/activities/762861161



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Location (Map)

Bergamo, Province of Bergamo, Italy
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