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Mogi das Cruzes > Salesópolis (São Paulo > Rio de Janeiro Trip)

Mogi das Cruzes > Salesópolis (São Paulo > Rio de Janeiro Trip)

Ride Information and Ratings:

- Date:  01/16/2016 11:05 AM
- Distance:  45km
- Total Ascent:  598 meters
- Location: Mogi das Cruzes and Salesópolis
- Total Riding Time: 2:06h riding, 2:37h total
- Scenic Views Rating: 6 - Interesting ride
- Ride Safety Rating: 7 - Safe ride
- Cultural and Tourism: 5 - Not much to do
- Level of Exercise Rating: 5 - Not a bad day at the office
- Type of Terrain:  Asphalt - Good condition
- Description of Terrain:  40km of good asphalt on the shoulder of the road, except for the parts where the dirt roads connect to the SP-088, making it sandy and even muddy. A few stretches don´t have shoulder, but the cars are too fast and there is some room to ride on the road.
Ride Map: https://www.strava.com/activities/471864028


Route: Mogi das Cruzes > Salesópolis via SP-088
1st day of the cycling trip São Paulo - Rio de Janeiro: São Paulo to Salesópolis
- I started the trip cycling to São Paulo´s Estação da Luz, where the trains depart towards Mogi das Cruzes.  I wanted to catch the express train, which doesn´t make you switch trains in Guaianazes, but I was told that it was faster to take the first available train.
- It was late Saturday afternoon, and the train was pretty full, most people seemed to be going home after spending the day in São Paulo.
- The ticket cost R$3.80, the trip took 1:20h, I had to switch trains at Guianazes Station, and I got off on the last station, Estudantes, in Mogi das Cruzes.
- The first of 5km, of the total 45km I rode, took place in a road without shoulder and with more traffic than the remainder 40km.
- The remaining 40km had shoulder in good condition, however, since there are some dirt roads that connect to the SP-088, the shoulder along these connections was filled with dirt and sand.
- This ride is mostly flat during the first 35km, with the last 10km alternating easy climbs and descents, where the views become to be much more interesting.
- I had about 6kg in the rack and 8kg in my backpack.
- There are few places to stop for drinks and food. The best places are the gas stations just outside of Mogi das Cruzes and then one near Biritiba-Mirim, about 20km before Salesópolis.


Rota: Mogi das Cruzes > Salesópolis via SP-088
1o Dia: SP-Salesópolis 
- Peguei o trem às 15:30h, queria pegar o expresso, que não precisa fazer baldeação na estação de Guaianazes, porém, me falaram que era mais rápido pegar o próximo trem. 
- O trem foi bem cheio, pois era sábado, final do dia. 
- Sobre a viagem de trem: Saída da Estação da Luz, valor da passagem R$3,80, tempo de viagem 1:20h, troca de trem na estação de Guaianazes e viagem termina na Estação Estudantes em Mogi das Cruzes 
- 45km entre Mogi e Salesópolis 
- 5km iniciais sem acostamento, mas com pouco fluxo de carros 
- 40km finais com acostamento em bom estado, porém, há estradas de terra que conectam com a SP-88 e nesses pontos há muita areia e até terra e lama. 
- Relativamente plano na maior parte, sendo que há pequenas subidas nos 10km finais, antes de chegar em Salesópolis 
- Tempo de pedal: 2 horas 
- Peso: Rack com mochila (6kg), mochila nas costas (8kg) 
- Há poucos pontos pra comprar bebidas e comidas (há um posto ainda no início da parte com acostamento e o próximo posto fica em Biritiba-Mirim, 20km antes de Salesópolis



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Location (Map)

Salesópolis, Salesópolis - SP, Brazil
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