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Paraty > Angra dos Reis (Part of São Paulo > Rio de Janeiro Trip)

Paraty > Angra dos Reis (Part of São Paulo > Rio de Janeiro Trip)


- Easiest part of the trip, as it combines long streches of flat cycling with a short climbs on the hills that meander the beaches.

- Every climb offers greats views of the ocean, mountains and nature, and allows for descent in a good pace to help the next climb.

- There is a viewpoint about 5km before Frade, which offers on the best places for photos along Rio-Santos.

- The shoulder can be great and terrible, so be prepared to ride on the side of BR-101 at time, which is not really a problem, as the cars usually go around 60-80km/h.

Location (Map)

Paraty, Paraty - RJ, Brazil
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