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Arrábida Natural Park & Setúbal.

Arrábida Natural Park & Setúbal.

Ride Information and Ratings:

- Date:  February 14th, 2013
- Distance:  17km
- Total Ascent:  250
- Location: Arrábida National Park and Setúbal
- Total Riding Time: 1:21h
- Scenic Views Rating: 10
- Ride Safety Rating: 9 - Very safe
- Cultural and Tourism:  7
- Level of Exercise Rating: 8 (mostly because of the hills)
- Type of Terrain: Asphalt
- Description of Terrain:  100% asphalt. All of the riding inside the Arrábida National Park takes place on shared roadways, but car traffic and speed limit are low, and Portuguese drivers typically respect cyclists.



1) Leave your car in Portinho da Arrábida and start the ride towards Setúbal, before you leave the mountain, stay left to ride towards the highest part of the mountain and complete the loop back to Portinho.
2) Portinho is also a good place the get something to eat and drink at the end of the ride.
3) Sit at on the ocean side kiosks and enjoy the sunset and the sky color change and reflect on the ocean.  The kiosks are very close to the entrance of the Arrábida National Park, on the Setúbal side.

Ride Map:

Part 1: https://www.strava.com/activities/468892645

Part 2: https://www.strava.com/activities/468892650


Did you know:

- The "Praia do Portinho" is one the best beaches in the area, and although it sits on the Atlantic ocean, it is protected by the Anicha Island, which creates a great environment for marine life. Praia do Portinho also boasts Roman ruins, which at one time was a fish salting factory.


Ride Details:


- To get there take the Vasco da Gama Bridge and stay on A-12 towards Setúbal. This road ends before the ocean, but just follow signs to beaches and Setúbal, and once you reach the ocean, go right and you will begin to go up the Arrábida Natural Park.

- Arrábida Natural Park offers the best views among my rides in Portugal, but it is also the most demanding route, as there are many steep climbs around the park area.  The best option is to do a loop, and climb towards the highest part first (stay right at the fork) and then descend towards "Portinho da Arrábida" (stay left once you are heading down). Portinho is a nice beach and a great place to leave your car if you are not already cycling.  Riding into Setúbal is also a good option if you have the time, but other than the part near Arrábida, Setúbal is mostly an industrial area and the best part was watching the sun set in the ocean.



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Location (Map)

Praia do Portinho da Arrábida, 2925, Portugal
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