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Bike Trip Italy - Days 14 and 15: Riding Around Milan

Bike Trip Italy - Days 14 and 15: Riding Around Milan


Short and to the point:

- Milan offers great infrastructure for cyclists.

- Bike path, shared roads and bike sharing system allow just about anyone to commute with easy throughout town.

- BikeMi, Milan´s bike sharing system, is very easy to use and works very well: daily (EUR$5), weekly (EUR$9.5) or yearly passes are available. They allow for unlimited bike rentals of up to 30 minutes on regular bikes (25 cents for electric bikes).  Rides of over 30 minutes are charged.  You only need to register online once, then all you need to do is to enter your code and password at the station, without the need of a smartphone of Internet. Really simple, and very effective. The bikes are heavy, but work well of urban commute, which is what they are intended for.

- My favorite places for a touristy ride were: Historical Center, Navigli canals and Parco Sempione

- It seems that just about every neighborhood in Milan (at least the ones I rode on) is bike friendly and offers some type of park, garden or piazza.

- Tips: If you like touristy areas and want to feel the Milan fashion scene, stay close to Duomo di Milano and the Quadrilatero della Moda; Navigli was my favorite place in Milan, with many restaurants and shops along the canals; Lago di Como is just about 50km north of town, and it´s on my list for the next trip; A train ride to Tirano, which is 30km from Bormio takes just one hour. Bormio is very close to Paso dello Stelvio, that offers a climb from 950 meters above sea level to about 2.700 meters with in incredible view of the Italian alps (this is a ride that I aborted as it was too steep to ride with 25kg of travelling weight).


- https://www.strava.com/activities/764787408

- https://www.strava.com/activities/765590250



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Milan, Italy
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