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Italy Bike Trip - Day 4: Orvieto - Siena

Italy Bike Trip - Day 4: Orvieto - Siena


What a day! Filled with surprises and adventures.  I have been using Google (especially street view) and to create my routes, which have worked out quite well...up to today.  I wasn´t able to fully check the BikeMap routes on Street View, so I figured I would adapt during the trip, if necessary...what a mistake. 

Leaving Orvieto is a shame...but, for a good cause: 130km towards Siena were on the way.  The first adventure came around 20km into the ride, I knew there was a part that consisted of trail...about 8-10km, so I told my self: If the terrain is not too bumpy, I would rather go slow on the trail than have to climb a really steep mountain (the alternative). What a mistake. for about 7km the trail isn´t too bad...for a MTB, eheheh.  But for about 1km, it´s a really steep uphill climb full of big rocks, which made it really hard and long (45 minutes) to push the bike and all of it´s 35+kg.  Once I hit the asphalt again I was so happy I didn´t complain for the rest of the day that most of the asphalt on the secondary roads are in terrible condition, especially the right side, where the bikes have to go.  Although the scenery during the trail was really really nice.

Once the trail experience was over, my main concern was: Not to go on another trail for the rest of the Bike Trip in Italy. With that said, I still tried to follow BikeMap´s route, but near Chiusi I was once again headed to trail I decied to use the Google Maps routing feature, which was almost perfect. Google Maps sent me on a great route...with a really nice scenery and rolling hills.  But it sent me to the "Autostrada", which bikes aren´t allowed, even though on the map it listed the road as "SS", which I had taken before and it wasn´t the "A" nomenclature. So, instead of being 40km from Siena, I now had to rerout and found myself 60km from Siena with about 3,5 hours of I figured that if there were much climbing I was going to get to Siena after it was dark.

The last par of the trip was the best. I decided to pick up the pace and push hard on the hills and on the flats.  I rode through several small towns that were very charming, but the riding on the Tuscany hills was amazing, both climbing and descending.  The last part consisted of riding from Sinalunga to Trequanda, Asciano (muuuito charmosa) e Monteroni D´Arbia, antes de chegar em Siena.  I loved the ride and felt really good about riding back to back long rides with lots of weight for the first time.  Ciao :)

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Audax Angra>Paraty>Angra 2016

Audax Angra>Paraty>Angra 2016

Ride Information and Ratings:

- Data:  Feb. 28 2016
- Distance:  202,5km
- Total Ascent:  3.884 meters
- Location: Angra and Paraty
- Total Riding Time: 8:38h riding, 10:10h total
- Scenic Views Rating: 9 - Very Pretty
- Ride Safety Rating: 6 - Somewhat safe
- Level of Exercise Rating: 10 - Extremely hard
- Type of Terrain: Asfalt good condition
- Description of Terrain:  
The entire ride take place on Rio-Santos, which offers good shoulder throughout most of the route. In some parts the shoulder is not as smooth and in a few parts it is unrideable, but there is enough space on the actual road to share with cars. On every climb, the shoulder gives way to a second car lane, so keep in mind that on every ascent you will need to ride on the side of the road and expect cars to go by. Most cars respect the cyclists, but there are always a few drivers that don´t think bike belong on the roadways (so ignore and watch out for them).

Ride Map:

Did you know:

-  Paraty was one Brazil´s major ports in the 18th century, as it was heavily used to send gold and other precious metals to Portugal during the colonization period. After a new road was built to the Rio de Janeiro port, Paraty was left behind, until around 1970, when new roads were created to cross from São Paulo to Rio de Janeiro, which in turn, made Paraty one of Brazil´s most desired colonial towns.

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