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Audax Rio 200km - City and Mountain Riding

Audax Rio 200km - City and Mountain Riding

Ride Information and Ratings:

- Date:  May 15th, 2016
- Distance:  223,9km
- Total Ascent:  2.200 meters
- Location: Rio de Janeiro (Urban and Mountain)
- Total Riding Time: 13:15h riding, 9:53h total
- Scenic Views Rating:  9 - Very Pretty (in some points)
- Ride Safety Rating: 4 - Not very safe (lots of high traffic areas)
- Cultural and Tourism: 10
- Level of Exercise Rating: 10
- Type of Terrain: Asphalt
- Description of Terrain:  City asphalt during the entire ride, although bike lanes could have been used for about 50km in Barra da Tijuca. As is the case in most of Rio, the asphalt is in bad condition, except where it´s been paved recently.

Ride Map:

-  https://www.strava.com/activities/577494912
- GPX (download here)  http://www.cyclinrio.com/blogdoherzog/gpx-files/Audax_Rio_200km_ida_e_volta_largada_.zip

Ride Details:

- All riders, for the 90km and 200km Audaxes, left from Largo do Machado at 8am.
- This was a very demanding ride, especially in the beginning, as we climbed 2 of the 4 hardest mountains in Rio: Sumaré and Tijuca Forest.
- The other crucial part was the return along the Recreio and Barra da Tijuca beaches, as the wind had just turned and was about 20km/h headwind.
- The first mountain was the longest, about 10km, as it started at sea level and rode up Estrada do Bispo then Estrada do Sumaré to reach around 715 meters of altitude.  There are some great views of Rio´s North Zone in the beginning, then it rides through Tijuca´s National Park, until descending into the highest entrance of Paineiras.
- The second mountain is inside the Tijuca Forest, which is my favorite place to ride in Rio. Although not very long (about 4km), the second half of this climb is very steep and and the asphalt is in terrible condition, which makes it even more challenging. But the feeling of riding inside the Tijuca Forest, with nature´s sights and sounds, and the cool temperatures, is amazing.
- The last part in the mountains led us from the Tijuca Forest to Horto, going through Alto da Boa Vista, Mesa do Imperador and Vista Chinesa. It´s a lovely rolling hills ride until Vista Chinesa.
- From Horto on, the concept of the route was much different, as we rode on high traffic roads, which in many parts had traffic jams and lots or traffic lights. Not the most enjoyable ride if you don´t like to ride in traffic.
- Niemeyer Avenue was by far the best part of the high traffic roads, where as Av. das Américas was by far the worst.  Barra da Tijuca´s part of it was completely flat, and to my taste, boring, but it was a good chance to pick up some speed.
- We stoped at the Marambaia Restaurant for lunch (this was the 6th, and next-to-last control point, where they stamp our "Brevet" and we get food and drinks), which had a great view of the Marambaia Beach and the sun was starting to set on top of the Atlantic Ocean.
- The return through Grumari and Prainha was a bit of challenge, as there were 3 short, but steep climbs, but the views were breath taking.
- We rode back through Barra da Tijuca´s and Recreio´s Beaches, then up through Joá Road, which was another steep, but short climb, especially after having ridden for more than 190km.
- The rest of the ride was along the beaches, mostly flat, but with lots of traffic, until returning back to Largo do Machado.
- This was much different than the other Audaxes I had participated, as I had ridden many times almost every part of this event. However, it was also very different from all other long rides I have done in Rio because of the friendly atmosphere that the Audax provides, as well as, the support along the entire ride.


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