Passeios e Viagens

Dicas e relatos de passeios e viagens de bicicleta

Arrábida Natural Park & Setúbal.

Arrábida Natural Park & Setúbal.

Ride Information and Ratings:

- Date:  February 14th, 2013
- Distance:  17km
- Total Ascent:  250
- Location: Arrábida National Park and Setúbal
- Total Riding Time: 1:21h
- Scenic Views Rating: 10
- Ride Safety Rating: 9 - Very safe
- Cultural and Tourism:  7
- Level of Exercise Rating: 8 (mostly because of the hills)
- Type of Terrain: Asphalt
- Description of Terrain:  100% asphalt. All of the riding inside the Arrábida National Park takes place on shared roadways, but car traffic and speed limit are low, and Portuguese drivers typically respect cyclists.


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Bike Trip: Rio > Sebollas (Incofidência) via Old Petrópolis Road

Bike Trip: Rio > Sebollas (Incofidência) via Old Petrópolis Road

Ride Information and Ratings:

- Date:  March 25th, 2016
- Distance:  176km
- Total Ascent:  3.750
- Location: Rio-Niterói-Petrópolis-Sebollas (Inconfidência)
- Total Riding Time: 9:12h riding, 11:16h total
- Scenic Views Rating: 7
- Ride Safety Rating: 6 - Decently safe (worst part was the BR 493 from Itaboraí to Magé)
- Cultural and Tourism:  7 - Several places and things to do (mainly in Petrópolis)
- Level of Exercise Rating: 10
- Type of Terrain: Mix
- Description of Terrain:  Included all types of terrains. Good shoulder on the following roads: Niteroi-Manilla, BR493 (Magé to Piabetá) and BR040 (Itaipava to Alberto Torres). Bad shoulder and no shoulder on the Itaboraí-Magé part of BR 493. Cobblestone on the 13km climb on the old road to Petropólis (from Piabetá). And urban cycling, with some road sharing and bike lanes in Rio, Niterói and Petrópolis.

Ride Map:



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Loop Rio > Itaboraí > Maricá > Niterói > Rio

Loop Rio > Itaboraí > Maricá > Niterói > Rio

Ride Information and Ratings:
- Date:
  March, 20, 2016
- Distance:  146.7km
- Total Ascent:  1.389
- Location:  Rio de Janeiro > Itaboraí > Maricá > Niteroi > Rio de Janeiro
- Total Riding Time: 6:40h riding, 9:20h total
- Scenic Views Rating: 8
- Ride Safety Rating: 7
- Cultural and Tourism: 6
- Level of Exercise Rating: 9
- Type of Terrain: Mix several types of terrain.
- Description of Terrain:  Mix of city streets, highway shoulder, secondary highway side of the road, bike path and dirt road.  City streets are in decent condition, shoulder of the Rio-Manilha highway really surprised me as it was great to ride on; Itaboraí>Maricá secondary road had a small shoulder at times (filled with sand in many parts), but traffic goes slow and riding on the road seemed relatively safe; Maricá>Niteroi is on dirt roads, with lots of sand and mud in some parts, where I had to carry the bike. Overall, a great mixed ride.

Ride Map:


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Climbing Serra do Rio do Rastro´s Magnificent Winding Roads

Climbing Serra do Rio do Rastro´s Magnificent Winding Roads

Ride Information and Ratings:

- Date:  March, 14th 2016
- Distance:  35.7km
- Total Ascent:  2,190 meters
- Location: Serra do Rio do Rastro (starting and returning to Guatá/ Lauro Muller)
- Total Riding Time: 2:25h riding, 2:53h total
- Scenic Views Rating: 10
- Ride Safety Rating: 8
- Cultural and Tourism: 8
- Level of Exercise Rating: 10
- Type of Terrain: Asphalt good condition
- Description of Terrain:  The ride takes place on the mountain range  that leads to the top of the Serra do Rio do Rastro and the entire ride is on a two-way road with no shoulder. The asphalt is a compound mix with small rocks that help create traction for cars, so it requires more effort to cycle up.  But it is in good condition and safe to ride on.


Ride Map: 

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Audax Angra>Paraty>Angra 2016

Audax Angra>Paraty>Angra 2016

Ride Information and Ratings:

- Data:  Feb. 28 2016
- Distance:  202,5km
- Total Ascent:  3.884 meters
- Location: Angra and Paraty
- Total Riding Time: 8:38h riding, 10:10h total
- Scenic Views Rating: 9 - Very Pretty
- Ride Safety Rating: 6 - Somewhat safe
- Level of Exercise Rating: 10 - Extremely hard
- Type of Terrain: Asfalt good condition
- Description of Terrain:  
The entire ride take place on Rio-Santos, which offers good shoulder throughout most of the route. In some parts the shoulder is not as smooth and in a few parts it is unrideable, but there is enough space on the actual road to share with cars. On every climb, the shoulder gives way to a second car lane, so keep in mind that on every ascent you will need to ride on the side of the road and expect cars to go by. Most cars respect the cyclists, but there are always a few drivers that don´t think bike belong on the roadways (so ignore and watch out for them).

Ride Map:

Did you know:

-  Paraty was one Brazil´s major ports in the 18th century, as it was heavily used to send gold and other precious metals to Portugal during the colonization period. After a new road was built to the Rio de Janeiro port, Paraty was left behind, until around 1970, when new roads were created to cross from São Paulo to Rio de Janeiro, which in turn, made Paraty one of Brazil´s most desired colonial towns.

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